Sunday, August 8, 2010

Painting Just for Fun.

I am working on a watercolor painting of my puppy, Max.  He is a black Pug dog.  I am working from a photo of an extreme closeup of him.  He was sniffing the camera when I shot it.  I liked the photo so much and thought it would make a fun painting.  It's still in the makes me smile.

This second photo is a real up close photo of the painting.  It's not a serious painting; it is strictly for fun.


  1. awww. i love the fluidity and looseness of watercolors. everytime I've ever tried them i usually go overboard and apply them too thick and it starts to look too opaque. i have such a hard time saving the white of the paper, it really makes a difference with the highlights. the eye looks really good!

  2. Thanks so much for commenting Orlando. It is easy to overdo the pigment and choke out the white. I thought this was such a quirky picture to paint. I have to start layering in washes of color to offset some of the violets and blues and get a little closer to grayish/black. Masking fluid works well to protect the whites. This time I mapped them out and worked around the areas I wanted kept the lightest. Thanks for viewing my work - it's always nice to hear from you.

  3. looks good!!!

    lots of fun and quite different from the other 'stuff' you have done.

  4. Thanks anonymous... it truly was a departure and a happy one at that. Keep viewing and commenting on my work; it's always appreciated.
