Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Painting Pears

In my Painting II class we are in the process of painting wet-into-wet.  I am posting 3 photos of various stages in the painting.  I hope to have it done in a week.  Side note: We didn't get to draw out the image; we had to wet the entire canvas with our paint/solvent mixture and use a rag to wipe back the light and white areas.  We could only use rags.  We then used a brush to paint in the shadow areas.  So this was very difficult for me.  Absolutely no foundational drawing was done.

The photos are crooked not the painting.  The base of the pears is actually straight in the actual painting.  I had taken the photo at an angle. 


  1. This looks awesome! the reflective surface and fabric look very realistic. and the proportions of everything look really good too. i would have never guessed there was no foundational drawing if you didn't say.

  2. Thanks! Too kind! It was very tricky to do.

  3. Looks very good, Lisa. I always have trouble with fruit, myself. But tell me: is that really the way you hold a paintbrush?

  4. sometimes - I know it's totally wrong... I also paint with both my left and right hand. Bad huh? lol

  5. Nah, I'm just giving you a hard time. There's a gazillion different ways to hold a brush, I try different things out all the time. Never tried that one, though... ;)

  6. I was thinking of trying to paint holding the brush with my toes! ;-)
