Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Nearly Completed...painting #4

This is painting number four, and it is nearly completed.   The first image will show the girl but the hat wasn't filled in yet; the next two pictures show the hat details almost completed.  There are a few minor details to be added, and I would say it is done.   I have been told that my work is irrelevant (insignificant - unimportant - immaterial) to the times.  You may want to look and decide for yourself.  Thank you to all that do look and read about my work - greatly appreciated.   It is titled: Happiest Place on Earth? And honestly, it has nothing to do with Disney. 


  1. You already know what I think of 'those' people-
    They can all go F#@K themselves...
    Can't wait for the next in the Happy Childhood series...

  2. Thanks ME. There will be more, probably next semester.
