Monday, February 13, 2012

So Get This....

I ran into one of my other professors from last year.  He is in charge of the Honors Painting Studio.  He asked me to come into his office.  So -hey- no problem.  He then proceeds to ask me, "Didn't you graduate already?"  And then continued, "It's illegal for you to be in the studio now."  I informed him again that I have not graduated yet and that this is my last semester.  He scratched his head and wondered how he could have thought I had already graduated.  I told him that he came to my Senior show and that again I reminded him, I took the class a semester early just to get it out of the way. (all of which he already knew).  So a couple of things:

1.  Why would I be in a room illegally? And why do I still have the keys?
2.  I am the most honest, responsible person on this planet (of ASU).
3.  He can't even remember something that has been stated plenty of times. (Just a week ago, in fact)
4.  That shows just how UN important I am to this school - fricken amazing!!!!!!

I can't wait to dust the Arizona dirt from my shoes.

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