Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Process - Chalk Art at Little Italy, San Diego - 2007

Now this was an experience.  I had seen chalk art done before but had never tried it myself.  A friend of mine suggested I try at the Little Italy Art Festa in San Diego (my hometown).  I did.  What was really difficult was the spot I was given had deep cracks in the asphalt; I had to work the composition in and around them.  We had to work within a certain subject matter, but had the freedom to alter it however we liked.  I chose the cherub playing an instrument.  But decided to add color and vibrancy to the composition.  Oh and it also rained that day too!  We had to work around wet spots, cold weather, and tough terrain. I really enjoyed it.  I am posting pictures taken of the process and then the finished composition. I actually did the chalk art three years in a row.  Thank you Eddy for taking the pictures and being part of my crew that day.


  1. these are so cool! working on such a large scale is very difficult.to get the proportions right is such a challenge, but these look awesome. even drawing on the ground is way hard too, even on top of all the other difficulties you had to work with.

  2. The perspective is the toughest of all - I agree. Mainly because you can't really walk away and get a sense where your at. Some people actually brought ladders to climb up on to get a better view. I might shoot for going back next year and trying again. It's good practice and forces you to work under pressure with a large audience (thousands) of people walking by looking at your work in progress and even sometimes - get this... walking ON YOUR WORK! Seriously.
