Friday, June 4, 2010

Coffee melted down, coffee grounds, charcoal and watercolor

Creating a recipe.  I am working on some watercolor paintings.  I have 6 going at the same time. I have been given a challenge to work on several with speed and abandoning thought in the process... stepping outside of "CONTROL."  I was taught today how to melt down coffee into a syrup.  I used that on a couple of my canvases, and used the grounds for others.  These are all experiments.  I may not get one single quality composition out of these works, but that is actually the whole purpose.  I tend to gravitate to total control in my work, so this is an exercise in the EXTREME opposite.  I will post some images - for good or bad.  I'll follow up and let you all know the progress.  I'll let you know if I still have my sanity.  I'll even report if I still like painting. lol   Seriously, wish me luck.