Saturday, April 30, 2011

I Will Let You Know....When I Know!!! (Fingers Crossed)

Friday - applied.  We'll see.  Hopefully will know by next week.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

More Work on the Pajama Portrait -

This is nearing completion.  I still have some extra work to do, but it is looking a lot better.  I did a great deal more work on Eddy's socks, the hem of his pajamas, worked more on his face and added some water lines around the yellow duckies.  I still need to finish the water lines on the rest of the pjs and I need to lighten the sleeve a bit by my hand, but it is very close to being done!

8th Painting for this semester in Painting III Class -Abstract

This is my final painting for this class; it's an abstract on panel.  I made the panel myself; Eddy helped me cut the wood for the side casing of the panel; it had to have 45 degree angles for each piece to fit together and create a box.  We did this with a cheap miter box in the isle of a Home Depot - not fun- we took turns.  But here is the painting.

Changed the Background to the Joshua Painting

I think this background works much better than the yellowish curtain.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Greatest Picture Ever Taken!

Eddy being the  creative soul that he is, took a great picture of me while painting, us.  He took it in black and white, a setting on his camera.  I couldn't wait to post it on my blog.  I hope you like it too.


Another Project - having a bit of fun!

This has been one of the most difficult projects I have attempted.  It's still in the works, but I thought it would be good to post part of the process.  What's funny is the painting has already changed since this picture was taken (this weekend).  I worked on it more today in class, and it has changed considerably.  The color has been painted over and removed from the sleeves, just the trim remains blue.  I have worked more on the folds in the clothing and more on Eddy's face.  This image doesn't show Eddy's feet fully, but they are coming along much better as well.  This painting is approx. 4 feet tall.  I find it a humorous painting.


Painting in Color

I decided to paint a portrait of Joshua, my son, in color.  The photo image is a little orange compared to the actual painting, but it will do.  I will probably post more images later once it is complete. 

Friday, April 8, 2011

My Latest Painting - Working on Two More.

I finished the painting of my son.  I am now concentrating on the painting of Eddy and I together.  I am also working on another painting of Joshua; this one is in full color.  I think my painting professor thought I forgot how to paint with "color."  Too funny. 

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Started a New Painting - Yikes!

I have started a new painting and have already put in ten hours - and really you can't tell.  I hope this painting turns out.  I really like the premise.  This time I am painting two full figures in a comical setting; of course, it's of Eddy and me.  I'll have pictures once it looks like something- and again it's all in grays with a touch of color.  It's a big canvas and my arms are exhausted from having to raise them up and paint for so many hours.