Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Painting Completed

Night Terrors....

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Painting – My Process, Progress and Passion...

I am in the process of completing a painting.  The images I am posting are not in order but rather a collection of my process, my progress and my passion.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Started a New Painting...

I will call this my psychological painting style. I hope to continue exploring this sort of theme, subject matter, expression...  the images posted are of the under painting.  I will post more images as the painting develops.  The German Expressionist painters have moved me and impressed upon me over the years, and it just now clicked that I feel most at home amongst this collection of artists... especially Egon Schiele and Kathe Kollwitz.  There is a wonderful exhibition of Expressionist artists at the San Diego Museum of Art.  The exhibition is showing now through Nov, and every third Tuesday is free to San Diego residents.  Worth the visit!!! 

Sad but also just a little funny...

click on the link below:

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Solo Show - Totally Awesome!

A solo show of my portrait paintings is currently on display at Victory Theater in San Diego, CA.  Pretty cool.