Friday, January 1, 2010

The Process - A New Portrait continued ...

I had Eddy take some more pictures of me working on my latest portrait - I think it's great to have a history of the process to look back on and to be able to share with others.  So I am sharing some now.  The portrait is 3/4 the way done.  I will hopefully have it finished at the beginning of next week or at least before the new semester starts.


  1. It's so cool to see the process of work. Did you take the reference photo yourself? it's looking great.

  2. Thanks - actually it was a couple of photos that someone had taken for this person that wanted her portrait done. I took the best one and cropped it down in photoshop to make it more interesting. I also tend to map out the lights and darks in shapes. It makes it easier for me to create the cartoon - first foundational sketch. I use it like a road map. I use this method when I need to get it as close to that person's representation as possible. When it isn't as important, I loosen up a little more - but still kind of map it out. This has always worked best for me.

  3. Yeah i noticed that mapping too. i do something similar when I draw portraits. it's easier to draw when you can see things as flat shapes.

  4. Wow- that's a lot of pencils in one hand!!!
