Saturday, August 7, 2010

Comments to a Fellow Friend and Artist.

I was posting a comment on a fellow friend and artist's blog: The frustration! What a great thing it would be to have a private studio space to work in. When you live in a tiny space and you work in that same space it's very frustrating.  It takes so much energy just to get ideas together and then you have to spend another hour just getting the supplies out and - well then is the idea, the feeling, the creativity still there..? I have so many art boards, paper, pencils, paint etc. tucked away in so many little spaces. I have a hard time remembering where everything is. Studio space - ahhh the dream.  I will travel to great places, have a great, private studio to work in, and will have fame for my artwork - in my lifetime. I will...


  1. Seriously. Having my own studio is definitely an ultimate goal of mine. i was just recently cleaning up all my stuff. i had a huge pile of all of my drawings just behind my door, it was getting so bad that i couldn't even open the door all the way. i had to throw a lot of sketches and stuff away because i just didn't have enough room for everything in my tiny room. luckily i found a spot to fit most stuff under my bed :/

  2. Frustration for sure!!! My stuff kid you not is under my bed, behind every door. Some supplies are in the bathroom, one small closet amongst shoes, clothing and the vacuum. I have stuff stacked in-between every piece of furniture I have in a tiny one bedroom apartment. Most of my work I have to do sitting on my bed because there isn't enough room for a desk. It's craziness!!!! >:-/
