Tuesday, February 7, 2012

History to a Painting...

This painting came from the use of one of my previous paintings.  I decided to build on top and "repaint" on a canvas surface.  What I found was that there was so much history created in brushstroke, dark tones and lights, that the second painting became so much more about the paint and then secondly the image. The structure of the portrait is very similar but a completely different painting all together.  I am very (very) pleased with the results.   Below is some close-up shots and a larger picture (not quite the whole painting, but close enough).  There is some glare from the indoor lighting at the top of the canvas, but I think the photos give a pretty good representation. 


  1. This may be the yardstick that all your other ASU artwork is measured against.


  2. Thank you Anonymous for your kind words.
