Thursday, April 8, 2010

Critique is over -

I survived.  I am posting my apples from the underpainting again, to about 3 layers of glaze, 5 layers to the final 7th layer, I was able to put on before the critic day.  I know that it still needs more, but I was pleased for the allotted time.


This is only the first layer of glaze:


About 3 layers into the composition:


Layer 5:


Final layer 7: Amazing the color change - glazing is very beautiful.




  1. wow, this came out really good. the colors are so vibrant. how big is it?

  2. It's 24" x 36" ' - REALLY BIG APPLES!

  3. It is and takes hours and hours to paint. It took me about 28 hours to paint and with 6 hours in between wait time for drying. But I really like the process and will probably paint like this more often.
