Tuesday, December 8, 2009

First Undergrad Juried Show

I was so excited to hear that my work was accepted into the first Undergrad Juried Art show I entered here at ASU.  It is in the Harry Wood Gallery and will run until January 29th.  I am posting the drawing I entered.


  1. this is gorgeous! it looks like it's a pencil drawing? that is my favorite medium and the one i do a lot of my work in. her facial expression is so intruiging

  2. It is pencil - It's my FAVORITE medium. It's titled The Necklace. Thank you so much for the comment. Isn't pencil/graphite the best?

  3. yes! i love it! i could seriously sit down with a pencil and paper and be happy!

  4. Fantastic. Let's see what the next semester holds for you...
