Monday, December 14, 2009

Working On A Portrait.

Slowly, I am working on starting a portrait that I was supposed to have done by Christmas.  I don't think that is going to happen.  Sometimes it is hard for me to start the process, but once I get going, it's usually good.  I have to mull it over in my head about a thousand times before I can start.... it's a crazy process, but it's mine.


  1. I can't wait to see it. your portraits are amazing. i know what you mean about starting the process though. you definitely have to be in the mood for it. if you just dive into it when you're not ready, it will just continue to go bad.

  2. And really bad fast! I rarely am able to salvage a work once it's started, and I was not in the mindset for it. I will post my work on the portrait as it moves along. And thank you Orlando for posting on my blog and your comments are greatly appreciated. If you have any work you want posted, send me images, and I would love to post them here!!!

  3. I'm the same way. It takes me forever to get going on a project, and if I try to force my self to come up with an idea I just sit there blank. I have to let it come to me, or let something inspire me, and even then I have to be ready to work on it. I am with you both on this one.

  4. People don't realize art is ... work!
